Chenyang Yuan
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Mutation in Functional Programming

A pure function is a function that always evaluates to the same results given the same inputs, and does not produce any side effects in the process. There are many advantages to using pure functions. In this blog post I will show how we can still effectively use pure functions to handle state. Most of my code examples would be in Python, but I also show equivalent Haskell code for some examples. Only basic knowledge of Haskell syntax and its type system is needed to understand the Haskell code, and I believe that looking at the type signatures of the Haskell functions would help in understanding the Python code too.

As this is my first technical blog post, I might not be very clear in explaining everything. If you have any clarifications, please leave a comment below so that I can improve this post!

We can represent a stack in python using a list.

>>> stack = [1,2,3,4]
>>> stack.pop(0)
>>> stack
>>> stack.insert(0, 5)
>>> stack

However this representation involves mutating the list. We want our push and pop functions to be pure instead. To do this, we will represent a stack as an immutable tuple. Any function that does a computation to a stack takes in the current stack and returns a tuple of the new stack and the result of the computation. Here is the definition of pop_stack:

def pop_stack(stack):
    return stack[1:], stack[0]

>>> pop_stack((1,2,3))
((2, 3), 1)

The first element of the returned tuple, (2, 3), is the new stack, and the second element, 1, is the popped-off value. Similarly, we can define push_stack:

def push_stack(num):
    return lambda stack: ((num,) + stack, None)

>>> push_stack(1)((2,3,4))
((1,2,3,4), None)

push_stack takes in an element, and returns a function that takes in a stack and pushes that element onto the stack. It does not return anything other than the new stack, but we want to keep a consistent structure for the returned value, so we return None for the second tuple element.

Now we’ve created the basic building blocks for manipulating a stack, we can define other functions combining push and pop together. Let’s write pop_second, which pops off the second element of the stack:

def pop_second(stack):
    s1, x1 = pop_stack(stack)
    s2, x2 = pop_stack(s1)
    s3, x3 = push_stack(s2, x1)
    return s3, x2

>>> pop_second((1,2,3,4))
((1, 3, 4), 2)

This implementation is purely functional but there’s a lot of repetition: we do not need to use all of x1, x2 and x3 , and we always pass the states s1, s2 and s3 to the next step of computation. Let’s introduce some abstractions to help us factor out some common patterns. In the following examples, I will write the equivalent Haskell code beside the Python code.

First, we notice that pop(x) and push are both functions that take in a state and return a tuple (new_state, result). Let’s define a class StateFn that encapsulates a function that acts on a state:

class StateFn:
    def __init__(self, fn):
        self.fn = fn
type Stack = [Int]
data MyState s a = MyState (s -> (s, a))

Next, we need a way to compose two state functions together. We will define a method bind, which takes in fn, a function that takes in a value and returns a state function. bind will return a new StateFn, which is the composition of fn with the encapsulated self.fn. The StateFn object that bind returns contain a function that takes in a state, computes self.fn on that state, resulting in a result and a new state. The result is passed to fn, which will return another StateFn. The new state is then passed to the returned StateFn and the result is returned. This may sound a little complicated, but it will be clearer once we see how bind is used.

def bind(self, fn):
    def state_fn(state):
        next_state, result = self.fn(state)
        new_state_fn = fn(result)
        return new_state_fn.fn(next_state)
    return StateFn(state_fn)
instance Monad (MyState s) where
  (>>=) (MyState myFn) fn = MyState $ \state ->
    let (nextState, result) = myFn state
        MyState newStateFn = fn result
    in newStateFn nextState

What if we do not want to keep the result of the computation? For example, push does not return anything other than the new stack, so we can discard its result, None. We do this by defining then, which takes in a StateFn and returns a function that takes in a state, do the computation for self.fn and discards the result, and then use the resulting state to do the computation with the instance of StateFn, finally returning that result.

def then(self, state_fn):
    return self.bind(lambda _: state_fn)
(>>) a b = a >>= \_ -> b

Finally, if we have a value and want to enclose it in a StateFn object, we define ret_state that does that:

def ret_state(a):
    return StateFn(lambda st: (st, a))
return a = MyState $ \st -> (st, a)

Now that we have these new abstractions, we can define StateFn instances push and pop, which contains functions that act on a stack.

push = lambda x: StateFn(lambda stk:
                         ((x,) + stk, None))

pop = StateFn(lambda stk: (stk[1:], stk[0]))
push :: Int -> MyState Stack ()
push x = MyState $ \s -> (x:s, ())

pop :: MyState Stack Int
pop = MyState $ \(x:xs) -> (xs, x)

Finally, we need to define a run_stack function that takes in a StateFn and a stack, and applies the function to the stack.

def run_stack(stack, state_fn):
    return state_fn.fn(stack)
runStack :: Stack -> MyState Stack a -> (Stack, a)
runStack s (MyState f) =  f s

Now we can perform push and pop operations on our stack!

>>> run_stack((2, 3, 4), push(1))
((1, 2, 3, 4), None)
>>> run_stack((2, 3, 4), pop)
((3, 4), 2)
>>> run_stack((2, 3, 4), ret_state(1))
((2, 3, 4), 1)
> runStack [2,3,4] $ push 1
> runStack [2,3,4] pop
> runStack [2,3,4] $ return 1

We can easily compose push and pop with bind and then:

>>> inc_top = pop.bind(lambda x: push(x+1))
>>> run_stack((1, 2, 3), inc_top)
((2, 2, 3), None)
>>> pop_twice = pop.then(pop)
>>> run_stack((1, 2, 3, 4), pop_twice)
((3, 4), 2)
> let incTop = pop >>= (\x -> push (x + 1))
> runStack [1,2,3] incTop
> let popTwice = pop >> pop
> runStack [1,2,3,4] popTwice

Here inc_top composes pop with push that pushes the popped value on top of the stack. pop_twice first performs a pop, discards its result and pops off the stack again. We notice that the functional syntax for bind and then in Python is a bit cumbersome compared to the operator notation in Haskell, so we overload the >= and >> operators in Python:

def __rshift__(self, other):  # >>
    return self.then(other)

def __ge__(self, other):      # >=
    return self.bind(other)

Now we can write pop_second using our new abstraction!

pop_second = pop >= (lambda fst:
             pop >= (lambda snd:
             push(fst) >>
popSecond :: MyState Stack Int
popSecond = do fst <- pop
               snd <- pop
               push fst
               return snd

Notice that Haskell already provides synthetic sugar for bind and then operations, which makes the pure functional code look almost the same as imperative code.

So in our quest for finding a good abstraction for chaining pure functions to manipulate states, we have discovered a specific form of a even higher level of abstraction, monads. In Haskell, the Monad typeclass has the following signature:

class Monad:
    def __init__(self, a):
        self.a = a
    def bind(self, fn):
        raise Exception("Not implemented!")
    def then(self, state_fn):
        return self.bind(lambda _: state_fn)
    def __rshift__(self, other):  # >>
        return self.then(other)
    def __ge__(self, other):      # >=
        return self.bind(other)
class Monad m where
    -- Bind: Sequentially compose two actions,
    -- passing any value produced by the first
    -- as an argument to the second.
    (>>=)       :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
    -- Then: Sequentially compose two actions,
    -- discarding any value produced by the
    -- first, like sequencing operators (such
    -- as the semicolon) in imperative
    -- languages.
    (>>)        ::  m a -> m b -> m b
    -- Inject a value into the monadic type.
    return      :: a -> m a

For another example, lists are instances of monads. We can think of return a as putting a into a list, and bind takes in a function which accepts an element of a list, and returns another list. bind will apply that function to every element of the list and concatenate all the returned lists together. Here are the implementations of the list monad in Python and Haskell:

class List(Monad, list):
    def __init__(self, a):
        list.__init__(self, a)
        Monad.__init__(self, a)
    def bind(self, fn):
        from operator import add
        return List(reduce(add,
                           map(fn, self.a)))

def ret_lst(a):
    return List([a])

>>> l = List([1,2,3,4])
>>> l >= (lambda x: [x,x])
[1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4]
instance Monad [] where
  (>>=) a f = concat $ map f a
  return a = [a]

> let l = [1,2,3,4]
> l >>= (\x -> [x,x])

Monads should satisfy the following axioms:

(return a) >>= k  ==  k a
m >>= return  ==  m
m >>= (\x -> k x >>= h)  ==  (m >>= k) >>= h
  1. return a puts the value a into a monad, and >>= takes that value out of the monad and passes it into k, which is the same as applying k to a.
  2. m >>= return will take out the value wrapped in m and pass it to return, which will wrap it in a monad again. This is an identity transform.
  3. This basically says that you can compose binds together.

The StateFn and List objects we created are examples of monads, as we defined bind, then, and ret_{state,lst} for each. In fact, we can think of a monad as an interface, any object with these three functions defined can be considered a monad. Many structures in Haskell, such as Maybe and IO are monads. We can define functions on monads assuming that the axioms described above hold, and these functions can be used on any monad. For example, the filterM function behaves like the normal filter function, just that it acts on monads. If you represent a set as a list, you can use filterM on the list, which is a monad, to find the power-set:

> import Control.Monad
> filterM (\x -> [True, False]) [1,2,3]

As you can see, monads are very general and powerful abstractions. If you want to learn more about them, the monad chapters of Learn You A Haskell and Real World Haskell are great resources.